It’s Save The Elephant Day (Every Day!)

What would fauna on this planet even look like without these marvelous, intelligent giants? In life and lore, we talk about elephants with such admiration and regard, yet, we have fallen severely short when it comes to conserving them. As the sixth extinction is well underway, with human coexistence conflicts and vile activities such as fake hunting of trapped elephants, the poaching for non-existent medical cures, and other such vagaries, elephants are under constant threat, especially in the wild.

It is okay to take a day out of the year, especially when it falls on a Sunday, to take some time off and think about what we can do. Here are a few thoughts on how we can help conserve elephants:

  1. NEVER trade in ivory, even when it is sold as “used”. Lowering the value of ivory through concerted effort is the best way to eliminate the market for ivory.
  2. Report poaching and cruelty to elephants, and of course all animals and plants to the authorities. The law cannot stop every crime, but it is important to maximize opportunities for law enforcement to act on illegal threats to wildlife.
  3. Donate when you can for forest conservation, the care of elephants, and for the reduction of human-elephant conflict.
  4. Educate yourself on elephant conservation issues and stay updated on successes and failures.
  5. Spread awareness, so others may also benefit

Elephants are key to biodiversity, and we want future generations of elephants and humans to co-exist with each other. May we always make efforts towards a day when much of life around us, is under threat from us.


  1. Cover Photo: