A sad state of affairs


The other day, I had the opportunity to go to McDonald’s with a friend, and while he went through the Drive-Through to order for us, I decided to walk in the parking lot to stretch myself and take in a bit of exercise.

In the stereotypical manner of seagulls and the french fries jokes, I saw this gull pull this bag off the top of a trash bin where it was carelessly placed, and try to check for food.

This is really sad. Animals should not have such easy access to human food! We all know this. When we go to the wild, we are supposed to observe the “Pack it in, Pack it out” rules. Given how we have deeply encroached every corner of the planet, we should perhaps practice this everywhere.

I think ignorant people as well as fast-food restaurants are to blame. If people were more aware of the consequences of their actions, they might perhaps secure trash better. However, I also think it is important for restaurants to provide appropriate trash containers, and ensure removal frequently.

Overall, I think we need to understand that as we encroach the planet and the homes of animals, our interactions and negative impacts on them are going to keep increasing. We need to be better stewards of the planet and simple things can have huge impacts. Laws and regulations only do so much, and people seem to simply find ways to ignore or disobey them. We need systemic change. More awareness, more failsafe features.

Next time, secure your trash!