April 16: Save The Elephants Day!

Pachyderms are higher mammals, and while many theories of evolution deign that felines, like primates, might represent the highest evolved species in some worlds, where life would have evolved similar to ours, I have often wondered if these intelligent, gentle giants might lead still other planets.

Here on Earth though, we continue to encroach on their habitat across Asia and Africa, trade in their tusks and allow “hunting” and other crimes against them. Elephants are smart enough to know and recognize the ways in which we endanger their lives. Highly social animals, they mourn for each other and their children.

It is time we focused on how to prevent this travesty, and literally, Save The Elephants!

  1. Do not engage in the purchase of, or trade of ivory, or any other elephant parts.
  2. Do not visit zoos and sanctuaries, especially ones that hold elephants captive and treat them extremely poorly. One such example is the Bronx Zoo, which has held Happy The Elephant captive for decades and refuses to let the poor elephant retire in peace and in the company of fellow elephants. In addition, Happy is a highly intelligent elephant who has passed the famed mirror test for self-recognition. So, you see, elephants are threatened wherever they are.
  3. Donate to well-meaning non-profit organizations, if you can.
  4. Volunteer and spread the word about why it is important to save both wild and captive elephants, as well as other species.

Until next time!


  1. Happy The Elephants unfortunate travails: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bronx/ny-happy-elephant-bronx-zoo-20201217-rkehzxymznfkringxjm4txgyii-story.html
  2. Title Image, Courtesy Pixabay via Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/side-view-of-elephant-in-a-row-against-the-sky-257578/