World Wildlife Day is Here! (March 03, 2023)


The World Wildlife Day is roughly 9-ish years old. Please review the Wikipedia Reference below. As someone who seeks out respectful, harmless interactions with wildlife for personal satisfaction, education, and artistic representation, I find such commemorative occasions to be a great time of renewal to remind myself, and you, the audience of the importance of conserving nature around us, and make sure that ecological balances are as less disturbed as possible, and that we give our own species’ future generations access to the same beautiful and critical elements of the world around us. The United Nations (UN) designated March 03 of each year as World Wildlife Day to help cherish the wildlife around us, to plan and act on conserving and boosting wildlife, and of course, learn more about the world we live in!

As usual, there are a few things we can all do on World Wildlife Day:

  1. Think about our life, our lifestyle, and the impact we have on the world around us. A good place to start would be:
  2. Speak up and combat illicit trade in wildlife at every turn possible. Understand and learn how you can help:
  3. Donate and support causes meant to promote wildlife conservation. If you are unable to, remember, speaking up does a lot in helping wildlife as much as donating to causes!
  4. Our own homes can be havens for wildlife! Simple changes to your own yard, however big or small it might be can be enough to bring critters. Imagine how much you can learn about biology and ecology! You could start here:

We should all dream, and share the dream of a world that maintains its richness and diversity in all life! A world we share and cherish. That can only happen if we come together in an unrelenting push to engage in the positive, and combat and defeat the negative forces that stand between us, and the dream of a thriving Earth, teeming with life, small and large!


  1. Wikipedia on World Wildlife Day: