August 12 is World Elephant Day

I was alerted to this fact by an email from the National Wildlife Federation. This has apparently been held on the same day, more or less, since 2012.

This is good to know. It helps us pause and think about how we can help elephants. Here are a few simple things you and I can do:

  1. NEVER, ever, buy IVORY. Do you have anything made of ivory? No excuses. Just destroy it. Do not accept any gifts with ivory under any circumstances. Do not help or promote events or people who believe ivory ought to be traded.
  2. Be responsible in how you buy and consume things in general. Do not support organizations that openly or deceptively destroy ecosystems to make products. This is not just for elephants.
  3. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Again, this is not specific to elephants, and generally a good way to help wildlife of all manner.
  4. Elephants are extremely intelligent species that only belong in the wild. Not in temples or zoos. Do not support temples or zoos that host elephants, under any circumstances. A zoo that may house an elephant that cannot survive in the wild is acceptable, but this is very rare. Zoos are the carnivals of the 21st century, essentially, agents of cruelty.
  5. Go on a safari. Visit elephants in the wild, safely and only through ethical tourist agents. The more you support local economies through tourism, the safer the pachyderms and others in their environment will be!
  6. Make children aware of the importance of conservation from as early an age as possible. This is very important. On that note, see this contest that the Elephant Day people are holding for young children:

For students age 9 – 18, here is a contest that might win them a trip to Africa!

Follow this link for details:

Go out there. Do your part. Participate in conservation, travel and see these marvels of nature!


  1. National Wildlife Federation:
  2. World Elephant Day:
  3. Photo, Courtesy Pexels: